
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Each Saturday we get the opportunity to do ministry as a family which is awesome cuz throughout the week we are all scattered in every direction. This past Saturday our team went to the Thembeni carepoint, where we cleared land of many thorn bushes and trees. The Chief of the area gave us this plot of land so that we can start building the kitchen and other buildings for the new carepoint. Our job was to prepare the land to be built on… So we woke up in the morning and set out to do some dirty work. We were given shovels and Machetes to chop down the many many trees and bushes that were covering the property. It was a blast!! It was nice to be able to get out and do something with our hands for a while, even if we did come home with numerous scratches and bruises. I felt the day was very successful, considering nobodys fingers were chopped off!

After clearing the land, we went to the carepoint that exists now, and distributed shoes to the children. The shoes were donated by a family in America who had recently visited. It was such a neat experience to be on this side of things. I got to see the excited smiling faces of all the children as they tried different pairs on to find the right fit. They were sooo thankful and happy! It was an amazing experience, and I couldnt help but think about the many donation drives that i have been on the other side of. How many people actually get to see and play with the kids that the shoes/ school supplies/ or whatever goes to?!?

I am so thankful to be on this side of things, I wish you could see all of the things that i am getting to do because you sent me!!

6 responses to “weeds and shoes”

  1. Sounds like you had a good Saturday. I hope you know how much you are doing to advance the kingdom of God, but cutting weeds and giving out shoes.

  2. What a joyous picture to see all those smiling faces with the new shoes, how Jesus must be rejoicing for your efforts!

  3. Lindsey,
    i am hoping that days like Saturday’s keep you going! it looks like it was incredibly fun to watch the kids try on shoes and take a new pair. Their smiles tell it all.
    Praying for you!
    Julie Walker

  4. Linz-I am so grateful to God and others that you are there doing His work. You look amazingly happy and sound excited that you are a part of so many miracles. I am awed by you and your resilience, strength and courage. Take care, Lisa

  5. Lindsey,
    Our God’s glory is evident when I see your shining face. You look like you are enjoying His work and the kids are benefiting from your obedience. Love to you, Bette Jo