
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

HEy everyone!
It seems like it has been ages since i last posted, sorry for that. I figured it was about overdue for me to update you all on how my life back home has been treating me. 
I must say first and foremost, that it didnt take long before i was busy with swim meets, catch up dates, graduations, and and other various things. It was a hard adjustment, especially at  first! I found it strange adjusting to the amount of cars on the road and other things that create this fast paced lifestyle. It has been crazy coming back, and looking at all the same things, but from a different point of view. After spending so much time in Swazi, making friendships and getting used to their culture it was wierd to see the intensity of recreational swimming, graduations, finals etc. I definitely appreaciate the awesome opportunities that i have grown up with, it is crazy that i have taken it all for granted.
REality set in a few weeks after being back, and i quickly found myself a few jobs to earn money for school, rent, and a car. I have been extremely busy, but things have been going well. I am having to trust the Lord with my plans for next year, and years to come. It is hard not know where i am going next, but after seeing how the Lord has directed my path this past year, I am able to trust Him with everything!!
I wish that i had been able to organize some sort of gathering to tell all of you about my experiences, share the beautiful purses my Gogos made, and give information about sponsoring one of my kids through school. Things have been crazy though, and i was unable to pull anything together. However, i did put together packets of information for each child that is in need of a school fee sponsor. So if you are interested please please let me know and i can send you all of the necessary info.
Thank you so much, God Bless!

here is a sent to me by the organization i worked with.. The smiling proud after their first day of school!!

One response to “Since ive been home”

  1. Hello Lindsey! My mom said you can have your gathering thing @ our house, if you havn’t done it yet. See you… on… um… Monday? Ya, Monday, I think. Well, l8r dude.