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Hello from Nairobi, Kenya.

I am partially through my long journey home, and find myself in Kenya! Random i know. Since i had a long layover, i figured i would give you all a short update of my last two weeks in Swazi. For the most part i had very successful goodbyes, i got to see and spend time with almost everyone that i have gotten to know here, so that was a huge blessing. But at the same time, i didnt feel right about the whole thing, i just couldnt face the reality of really saying goodbye to these people and this culture, i knew i had to be back someday.

It is crazy to me that i have left swaziland, and wont wake up there in the morning. I feel as though i have just temporarily been taken away from what i have come to know as my home. Unfortunately, once I boarded my first flight, reality did start to sink in. I almost immediately felt a huge sense of loneliness, because for the first time in 5 months, i am not with my teammates. I looked at pictures and was devastated, not knowing when i get to see my babies again. I know that once i do finally arrive home, the transition will probably get even harder, so i suppose flying is a good buffer zone, eh? I am scared to face the crazy busy life that is waiting for me back home, so please have patience with me!!

And on a lighter note, im completely stoked to share stories and pictures with anyone who wants to hear/see!

seeee you sooon

6 responses to “travels”

  1. Hi Lindsey,

    I have gotten to know your mom through our college prayers group and have loved reading through your blogs. I am going to Uganda in August for the third time and leading a group of 27! More importantly this will be a long term mission in my life with frequent visits-the length depends on my husband :). I would LOVE to meet with you see your pictures and hear about your trip.

    Karen Jones

  2. Hi Lindsey,
    Transitioning will take time and patience. You must be eager to get home still loving all that you have come to know and see in Africa. I will be praying for a smooth transition back into our fast track life. Contact Phyllis if you might want something to do this summer. WELCOME HOME! Bette Jo

  3. Lindsey,
    You are in my prayers as you transition back to life in the US. Looking forward to connecting with you. Would love to see and hear about your time in Swaziland.

  4. Lindsey,
    God has used you in an amazing way! I’m sure that He will continue to use you, although in a different way, once you return to the states. We will keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers!
    Lynn,Scott,Hillary & Nathaniel

  5. Lindsey – we can’t wait to see you and hear all about your experiences. The girls miss you tons and keep asking for you. Get ready for all of us to smother you with love and kisses! Call us when you’re ready to receive!


  6. Got teary eyed reading this post. I definitely understand.

    Elysa MacLellan
    Former missionary to Swaziland 88-90