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Thoughts & Inspiration

    Reality has been hitting me hard lately, I cannot fathom the idea of coming home in a little over two weeks. So much will be different when I adjust to life back in the states, and I know it will be a challenge in many areas.  Here are some interesting things that happen here that I wont experience anymore in the states…
o    Cooking over an open fire on a regular basis
o    Having the electricity go out weekly, and water shut off in the middle of showers
o    Receiving multiple marriage proposals a day from men I have never seen
o    The country having a shortage of CO2, causing certain soft drinks to dissapear
o    Recieving a live chicken as a thank you gesture from a friend’s family
o    Killing the chicken, watching it run around headless, and then eating it for dinner
o    Not having to stop at red lights… only for cows and goats blocking the road
o    Traveling for over an hour in a hot crowded Kombi, just to receive internet access
o    Having a social life which consists of different card games
o    Remaining inside the house after 6pm

    Although most of these things will be relieving to let go of, I know that I am going to struggle adjusting in the more serious ways. I am going to miss so many things about living life here, in this home, in this country with these people.

 I will miss…
o    Swimming on such an intimate swim team, that is so eager to learn more.
o    Having three roommates to argue, debate and laugh with
o    The friendly and genuine nature of this culture
o    Not being judged by everyone who sees or meets me
o    The simplicity of life without a tv, car, or tight schedule to keep up with
o    Having quality time be something that actually happens between people
o    My precious kids at the carepoint who greet me everyday in an indescribable way
o    Being able to love and comfort my kids, who have such rough lives at home
o    The Gogos, whos’ attitudes are always so appreciative
o    Being able to care for people I don’t know without being questioned
o    And talking to my parents for long periods of time, about life

These are all great pieces of what my experience has been here the last few months, it will be a crazy transition when I return in a few weeks. I  have had so many awesome things happen to me, and I have learned a tremendous amount. I hope that when I see you next, you will not be satisfied when I tell you my trip was amazing. PLEASE, ask questions because I would love to tell you how I have been transformed, and the things that God has been teaching me this semester. 

8 responses to “Coming home so soon”

  1. Lindsey,
    Fly safe, God Bless you, and don’t hurt yor neck on the airplane (inside joke)!!! Please ask your mom to call me when you get home. I would love to see your pictures and pick your brain.!!!
    Ann Sholer

  2. Hi Lindsey,
    What an inspiring message to anyone. Despite hardship and the unknown you found God at his best. He let you find Him in his people and relationships and some of us never get to have that. Now, on to the next phase of life for you. I can’t wait to see and hear from you. Stop in when you get back and a safe return. Hugs, Bette Jo

  3. And when you get back there will be even more things to add to your list here, things you don’t even think of right now. Thanks for your sacrifice and allowing God to use you in the lives of these people. You will never be the same.

  4. Lindsey, I can’t believe that your time is almost over. What a witness and an example you have been to just letting go and trusting God with your life’s direction. Everything you do going forward will be influenced and impacted by this decision and experience. God bless and safe travels and welcome home! Love, Terry

  5. Lindsey – we can’t wait to see you when you get back. Since your message said we should ask questions, be ready, because I can’t wait to hear EVERYTHING about your experience. What an inspiration your journey is to all of us. The girls can’t wait to see you!! We all miss you SO MUCH!

  6. Lindsey,

    I know what a crappy Uncle I have been, but I must say that I am proud to have you as a niece and can’t wait to see you now. Don’t let go of the lessons and the transformation and the great memories.

    Love from all of us in AZ!

  7. Wow Lindsey ~ what an amazing list. Thank you for sharing your year with us. Safe travels and God bless you!!
    <>< Julie