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Thoughts & Inspiration

Because of a destructive virus that seems to have hit all of AIM’s vehicles in the South African region, our team is very lucky to still have one vehicle. However, because there are about fifteen different daily schedules, we have been attempting Public Transportation for everyday purposes. What a wild an adventure it has been! Each day Ashley and I walk into town (about 30min walk), where we find the Bus Rank.  This consists of  several dirt parking lots on a hill, overflowing with funky decorated Kumbi vehicles parked in every which direction possible. When you start to walk into the general area, you are bombarded over and over again by people screaming at you to get in their vehicle, or asking where you are headed. In a nutshell… its mass chaos! With horns beeping, Kumbis backing up, and people shouting, I try to stay focused on where I am going so I don’t slip on the dirt hillside. Each of the Kumbi’s are labeled ob the front bumper with the two places they travel between, so after learning how our destination is spelled, finding the right vehicle hasn’t been too difficult. After joining fifteen other passengers in the van, we wait out the 40 minute ride before yelling STACHE to the driver to stop the van. While the first few rides on public were somewhat  interesting, I have grown very fond of the crowded rides.