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Between ministry, transportation, chores, and meals, I have found a bit of time to add one more thing to my schedule. Last semester while we were hear in Swazi I noticed that the primary school next to our FYM house had a swimming pool. So this semester I approached the coach about possibly helping out with the team. Unfortunately, the younger kids practice at all the wrong times for me, and I am unable to help coach. BUT I was given the opportunity to join the club team that trains after school. I was a bit hesitant at first, but I figured WHY NOT!?  After tracking down the one and only swim cap and pair of goggles in all of Manzini, I set out for practice a few afternoons later. The walk from our house to the pool deck is in total about a minute and a half, so I quickly found myself in the pool area. I joined in on some stretches that I had never seen done before, and then proceeded to warm up. I was never able to forget that I was still in Swaziland, because while swimming I wasn’t able to see more then a foot in front of me due to the cloudiness. I had to swim with my head up to prevent hitting the wall. I have attended more than a handful of practices now, and I am still having a blast in the experience that each afternoon brings. I swim with about 5 other swimmers who are all teenagers. I am faster than all but one, who is a little older, and is supposedly training for the Olympics! I have fun training with him, he keeps the practice challenging, which is great! Looking back on all of the years of swimming in my past, I never thought that this is somewhere it would bring me, but how sweeet? Its been such a neat way to experience Swazi culture in just one more area while I am here. I might even go to a competition sooon!!