The final leg of our trip is well underway, I cannot believe I am in Jeffery’s bay right now, spending the last couple weeks of my trip before Christmas by the beach! I have been learning a lot in our conference about leadership. The speakers have helped us to see how our stereotype of a leader differs from others countries’ stereotypes of leader. We have discovered important traits of a great leader, as well as practical skills to have as we begin to tackle life as leaders. It has definitely been neat to learn skills that I will be able to apply to life in Swaziland next semester. However the things I am gaining from this conference will follow me throughout life, even beyond Swazi.
I am very excited to come home and see everyone during Christmas break! We are all counting down the days until we arrive back in the states, what a blessing it will be to be home for the Holidays!
As exciting as it is to think about coming home, it is also exciting to think about life next semester in Swazi. However, one aspect of making next semester possible is support raising. I have really appreciated everyone’s support thus far, but I am still in need of a little over $3000 to fund the remainder of my trip. Although it seems like an overwhelming amount of money, every little bit helps. If a number of people donated $50 dollars it would make such a difference. If you would like to contribute, click on the link on the left hand side of my blog reading Support Me.
Thank you so much for keeping up with my life here in Africa! It means so much to know that people back home are thinking of me! Have a great Christmas if I don’t see you!