
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This past week the World Race mission team came through Swaziland, which gave us the opportunity to talk with them, and also attend some of the teachings that were being provided to them. The teachings were great and we learned a lot from the speakers, Gary Black (director of the Nsoko G42 project) and Tom Davis (author of Red Letters-check it out! Goood book).  We learned a lot about how to stay focused on the path in front of us, while still not worrying too much about the future, and instead leaving things in Gods hands. I really enjoyed the teachings, but I especially benefited from a few words spoken to me by a World Racer. I love how God can use us to speak into others lives, and He definitely did this to me this past week. During a time provided to pray/chat with one another, a world racer came to me, telling me that God wants me to live freely. How I have been holding myself back because of people around me, or a standard that I might be judging myself against. How crazy is that? Cuz, what was it, 2 or 3 weeks ago that I almost stayed home from Swazi because of this exact thing. So here I am, hearing from God how much He wants me to be ME, cuz afterall, He is the one who made me the way I am!! So now I am walking each day trying to live each moment following my passions instead of conforming to the ones around me. This is something I have known for such a long time, but never been able to put my finger on, I am so thankful that God awakened me, and has challenged me in this way.