
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

 Hey everyone! My name is Lindsey Watson, I am 18 years old and I recently graduated from Campolindo High School in Moraga, CA. For the past 18 years I have lived in the East Bay of San Francisco with my parents, older brother and younger sister. When together my family is almost always having a good time – in fact, our recent hobby is having marshmallow fights! I have spent my life being super involved with sports, and just being a crazy ADHD kid! I homeschooled a bit in elementary school, and went to a private school before attending public high school. I have been connected to a local church for as long as I can remember but my relationship with Jesus really took off when I was in eighth grade. The friendships and experiences that I have had from eighth grade through high school have really shaped me to be the person that I am today.

   I am a fairly outgoing person, especially once I get to know you. I love to goof around and have a good time. I love the outdoors, and go crazy if asked to sit inside all day. I love sports, serious or not. I have competed seriously in both cross country and swimming over the years but I also love a pick-up game of basketball or soccer. I love going to the beach to hang out and surf. I am a pretty spontaneous person and love to do things spur of the moment. I also love to work with kids. Kids fascinate me because of their innocence and transparent personalities.

   During high school I discovered my passion for missions. I have gone on multiple trips to Mexico to build houses and a trip to New Orleans after the hurricane. Although these trips were only a week long, I was able to learn a lot about God, and myself. While talking with someone in New Orleans, I started pondering the idea of taking a year after graduation to go on a mission trip. However, the idea slowly got lost in my brain as college became the popular subject of conversation. I followed my usual pattern of putting my passions aside in order to stay in my comfort zone and do what everyone else was doing. I applied to tons of colleges but found myself feeling very lost when it came to decision time. That was when my mom reminded me that there were other options out there besides college. I immediately started looking on the internet and came upon AIM. I was stoked when I found the program and love everything that it has to offer. But the decision process was still a struggle! At this point in June, I was all set up to attend Azusa Pacific University in the fall, and have my best friend from middle school as my roommate! Weighing out my two options was definitely difficult to do. After tons of prayer I realized that I am a person that always plays it safe. I tend to follow the trend when it comes to making big decisions just because it’s comfortable. Seems I have tended to believe that if I do what others do, I won’t make a wrong decision. But, ironically, sticking with the path of my peers has often been the wrong path for my wacko self. Now, with my decision to ‘go outside the box’, I am sooo excited to follow my true passions and follow God this next year in Africa. I am stoked to see what He has in store for me to learn.

3 responses to “My Bio”

  1. Hey like the other two comments, I think it is very admirable that you are doing what you are doing as well. I can relate to the big decisions to be made as far as what to do with your life. Right now I’m finishing up my contract with the Air Force,(actually at Travis AFB up near Fairfield/Vacaville) and keep thinking about going on a longer missions trip when I get out in July. I came across your page somehow, I dont know but I have been looking/googling different missions groups like YWAM etc.

    Anyways just sayin ‘Rock on’ to you because it’s cool you figured it all out, as far as what God wanted you to do etc.

    Have a good trip and God Bless


  2. Hi Lindsey

    I am so glad you are enjoying South Africa….and most importantly the Lord. I want to say I admire your involvement in the Kingdom of God at such a young age. You are courageous to step out in faith and come to a country very different to your own. God can use young people like yourself to impact the nations that He is working in. Along the way you will discover amazing treasures of His Kingdom….and know that everything will be added to you. Delight yourself in Him and surely He will give you the desires of your heart. I pray that your passion for His intimacy in your life will grow stronger each day…may you never leave His presense…may you never exchange or forfeit the Truth for the counterfeits that world offers. I will be leaving for your beautiful nation…America…in just a few days. I am also going on somewhat of a mission with my local church…called Glenridge. If you are ever in Durban, South Africa, please don’t hesitate to give me an email and come visit. I am sure you will enjoy yourself as we too work with orphanages, townships and disadvatages communities. We also have a Aids Care Centre for abandoned babies. I am sure you would love it here. I am going to visit a church in Orange County, California called Southlands. I will also be going into Mexico to help with some local churches that are battling and need some encouragement. So, I am very excited to be in your home state to see what God is doing there with His church. I will also be having a little holiday in Los Angeles and seeing a little more of your beautiful country. Not to mention…I will also be visiting “Disneyland”!!!ha ha

    I stumbled across your blog while looking for things to take to America that cannot be found there. So to just get some ideas. It was wonderful to read about what God is doing in you and through you. I just wanted to encourage you as you spend some time here away from home. I am sure God is pleased with your sacrifices and your gracious heart. Be blessed and may you discover more of God in your journay through Africa. God bless!!! Carmen