
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

    The past week has been filled with furthering relationships, and more teaching and fun with the kids. I am getting to be really good friends with our translator, Zenele. She is a rad girl, and it has been great spending time with her everyday in ministry. It is neat seeing her work with the kids, seeing swazi’s teach younger swazi’s is so amazing, and gives me so much hope for their future.

Zenele pushing Sethu

We have continued to work on letters, and numbers with the kids. We also have worked on concepts such a Big vs Small and grouping.  Last week our Bible story was Jesus washing the disciples feet. We read the story each day and explained how it applies to us today. It is still so amazing to me to think about how perfect of an example Jesus is for us. This bible passage really shows me how much we are supposed to serve one another. At the end of the week we washed the childrens feet, and painted their toes! It was soo much fun, and the girls absolutely loved it!   Here are some more pictures!

 Me with Nokwanda, Faneliso, and Owethu.. trying to find some shade against the container

Me and Sethu getting a nap  🙂