
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This Thursday our team along with the team settled in Ezulwini headed back to South AFrica for a 4 day retreat at Alabanza. It has been soo nice to be back in the familiar surroundings that we stayed in last semester. The staff here has been pouring into us the past couple days and it has been so amazing! I dont think i realized how empty i was becoming from doing ministry everyday, but after being here I feel completely refreshed and renewed. Our time has been spent processing the last two months, and preparing for the portion of our time in Swaziland. It is crazy to me that I am almost done with they journey. I know God still has many things to do in and through me though, so I am excited to get back to the carepoint and the children. Tomorrow I get the exciting opportunity to visit the people I met last semester in Eskom. I have huge hopes of reconnecting with Elizabeth and Lecretia and other relationships that i started. I cant wait to talk with them and see how they have been the past few months.