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Thoughts & Inspiration

Sunday JAN 20th                            


  This morning we got to go to church again. After walking through the fields to get there, we got there in time to observe the end of Sunday school taking place under a few trees. The children were learning to perform in front of the congregation during the service. Church service, started around 11 and continued on until about 1:30 that afternoon. I love the amount of energy and freedom that is present in the churches here. Each person is so alive! MY favorite part is offering. The church body is divided into two different teams, (Mercedes, and BMW).  One of the leaders in the church will yell out “Mercedes!” and all of the people on that team file to the front and give their offerings. The same thing happens for the BMW team. After this process, the money is counted and whichever team gave the most amount of money wins!! I am not so sure how Biblical, or appropriate it is to make offering a competition, but I guess it get the job done! We have definitely grown accustomed to things like this happening, how wierd that of all things they would choose Mercedes and BMW to represent the teams though? It goes to show how much the world looks up to westernized culture.