
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This morning my team had a meeting, and our leader, Kate, spelled out what the next four months of our life will look like, in a general sense. It was totally full of information I needed to hear. She explained how we were going to be living more independent lives, and how we will have more freedom (which comes with responsibility, but is still FREEDOM), unlike the strict schedule we had last semester with so many rules and expectations.  The only real requirements in our weekly schedule will be putting in 20 hrs at our internship. I am so excited to dive into life, like a real missionary would. Live my life normally, and live it full of passion. Looking at the semester ahead, I feel like I am going to be challenged, but I know that I am going to grow tremendously! I am excited to see what happens when I walk out my life, serving and seeking after God because I want to! Its not that I haven’t wanted to in the past, but I so easily get caught up in the forced structure and rules put on me, that I often lose my true genuine passion to be living for God.
    Anyhow, I am pumped for the adventure that lies in front of me. I am determined to make use of my time here. I hope to really touch the people I encounter, whether it be small orphaned children, high school students, or people I pass by in town. The people in Swazi have a horrible future laid out for them… in fact studies predict that, because of death from AIDS, Swazi will no longer exist by the year 2050! I hope to educate and inform these people of a much more meaningful way of living, and a lifestyle that will carry them past the year 2050!

2 responses to “getting pumped”

  1. what good news!! God is faithful, & He will bless you as you bless others…
    missing you like crazy,

  2. Lindsey! God started His work a long time ago preparing the way and preparing your heart for the work to come. I know you will get’rrr done! =0) I will write to you soon! Be careful of that crazy Swazi traffic! Pass my love forward to your team. C u