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       While spending the weekend in South Africa, I was blessed with the opportunity to visit Eskom, the township I spent time in last semester. Chelsea, Kristen, Aubs and I put together some money for gas, and asked an Alabanza staff member if she could drive us. We got to see the Cresh (preschool) teachers, and other old friends. When I went to find my little girl Elizabeth, I found that she had moved! In fact, her house had moved as well. (I guess that is a benefit of living in a house made from scraps, because her family was able to take their house with them). My heart dropped when I didn’t find Elizabeth there, I was filled with so much uncertainty of her whereabouts, or her condition. My spirits were lifted when I visited with my friend Lecretia, and she shared about her life lately. She explained how she had been seeking discipleship from people she met at the church when I was there, and how she has been walking in the authority Christ gives her. It was soo amazing to hear that even though I was no longer there, walking her through things, she was still seeking after truth, and strengthening her relationship with Christ. After saying good-bye to Lecretia, a young girl ran up to me that I didn’t recognize. It took me a few seconds, but I realized that it was Elizabeth!! I was soo excited to get to see her again. I learned that her family had moved to the upper side of the squatter camp, which made me see God’s hand in her life. Her move was nothing to be afraid about as I first thought, instead her move was bringing her away from darkness. I remembered that her neighbors used to be Sangoma’s, and that this was God’s way of protecting Elizabeth and her family! I wish we could have visited Eskom for longer, or gone back multiple times, but the time that we were there was definitely such a blessing

5 responses to “Eskom visit”

  1. Hi Lindsay,

    How exciting that you & your friends were able to go to South Africa and that you ended up seeing your girl-Elizabeth 🙂 So cool & God is SO amazing!

    It’s almost Easter, next Sunday, and everything is in bloom around Moraga. New life everywhere :). The kids are getting ready for Mexico, remember those days? I can’t help to think how God worked in your life back when you went to Mexico Mission trips & now you are in Africa doing God’s work.

    What a blessing you are & what inspiration you bring us mothers here in Moraga.

    Miss you…Stay well…Lots of love in Him,

    Teri Fadelli <><

  2. I am soooo jealous you got to go to ESCOM!!! I miss soooo much being there! Miss you too girl!

  3. Hey Linds,
    i get so excited every time i check my email and see that you’ve posted a new story. i am getting so overwhelmed with school and getting ready for mexico, so reading about what you’re doing and how God is working through you definitely helps me get life back in perspective a little bit. you are so inpiring!
    Love you!!

  4. Hi Lindsay:
    I am sooo glad that your mom gave me your email contact information. (We’re now in Bible study together every Tue.) It is such joy to read about your life over there. God is certainly taking you by the hand and guiding you and blessing you in leaps and bound.
    Keep up the good work!!! I have enjoyed knowing you since New Orleans and always knew you would be a blessing to the people around you. Hugs & Love in Him, Rose