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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey Everyone! It has been a while since I posted my first post. I still am not completely sure how all of this works, but im going to give it a shot once more! For me the last six months or so have been full of incredibly big transitions in my life. With the stressfulness of school and other responsibilities I have not really been able to stop and soak it all in. My senior year started off with a lot of change with friends but also both of my youth pastors left. Those changes made the beginning of senior year just a bit odd to say the least Just since the springtime, big change has been everywhere I turn. Graduation was a huge change, but I barely thought about it in the hurry to start the summer. For my family, summer brought the beginning of our first move EVER. My family has lived in the same house for 26 years and my parents built 75% of the house without much help from professionals. We decided to move so that my sister could be closer to her highschool. All throughout my highschool years I lived in a town twenty minutes from the town that I went to school. It became apparent to my parents and I that the distance caused me to be home less, and in return, for our relationship weaken. So for my sisters best interest, this summer my family and I have been attempting to move everything that we have acquired the past 26 years. A month or so into this process I found out I was going to be coming to Africa instead of college. Now currently.. things are starting to hit me FINALLY! Many of my friends have left for college, and the renters of our old house moved in two days ago. Yesterday I saw the Opera rendition of the play “Our Town”. While watching and listening to the opera that my close friend was in, my mind started going. The story focused on death, and how while living people cannot see the greatness of the life they live. Although I have not dealt with any kind of death lately, the play started my emotions rolling. So many chapters of my life are coming to a close now, and it is not until now that I really appreciate what I have been blessed with to the full extent. However, I am very grateful that I am able to look back on so many great memories at my old home, with old friends, and family etc. This portion of my life has been such a rich and valuable experience, I am truly grateful!

3 responses to “Changes”

  1. Lindsey,
    This is so crazy but I am from Benicia (near Walnut Creek). We used to play Campo in Tennis (when I was in high school). My parents still live there but I go to Cal Poly SLO. I can’t believe we live so close! Are you around home this summer?

  2. hey! I hope and pray everything is going good for you right now! This last blog sounded like everything was a little crazy but you handeled everything very well.

    for him,