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Hey again everyone!

I am back in South Africa! After a really good break, and longs travel, its crazy that i am back here once again!

Our team flew in all day yesterday, and now the next two days we will spend adjusting to the time change, and catching up. We are leaving for Swazi on Friday morning, we are taking some sort of public transportation because our vehicles are all broken down.. what a surprise! ahaha

Its been really neat seeing everyone again, and being back at Alabanza.  I do miss everyone already though!

I will make sure to write more next week after a bit more has happened!

5 responses to “and im back!”

  1. Happy to see your safe and sound! I pray for you many more adventures and amazing times in Swazi. keep us all updated over here

  2. Yay for being back in Africa!!! Hopefully I can see you all in a week or so, God Willing. Have safe travels over to Swazi.

  3. Glad you are there. I will be praying for you and your transition back to life in Africa and with your team.

  4. I love you, Linz! So glad that you made it back safe and sound . . . and SO happy & thankful to have seen you on your departure day . . . you are loved and missed!

    Love & Hugs in Him,

    Jenifer Ü