
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

OCT 29

    Working in South Africa is amazing. I have fallen in love with the people here. I have grown personal relationships with many of the people in Eskom, including the most amazing little girl named Elizabath, and a wonderful woman named Lucretia. It is such a joy for me to be able to spend time with these people each day, and hear there stories and struggles. Lucretia asks so many questions, and wants so badly to be delivered to a better life. It is amazing to talk with her and be able to feed her hungry heart. However today I was overwhelmed with the feeling of hopelessness. My heart has broken for these people. As I walked the streets of Eskom today, I passed homes of witch doctors, witnessed prostitution deals, and men drunk at 2 in the afternoon. It is so hard for me to imagine leaving these people at the end of the week. My heart goes out to the kids, who grow up in this world and know nothing different. They all fall into the same lifestyles because they know nothing different, and its what life is to them. It is hard to see the amount of destruction in the neighborhood, knowing that I can only do so much. But it is even harder for me to think about next week when i go to Swaziland, and the people of Eskom are no longer visited. I pray that the individuals we have ministered to can spread light to their community and keep hope alive after we leave.